Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Metallica for the X Games!

Well, Metallica didn't listen to my prediction that they would be in Austin to play ACL Fest, but they have decided to come to Austin anyway and play the X Games Saturday night show.  What the hell, if I was so excited about seeing them at ACL, I guess I have to pony up and go see them play the COTA.

Yessir.  Ought to be a fun show.  However, you know what is not fun?  Stupid Ticketmaster.  My $59 ticket turned into almost $80 once the fees were all added in (the cut and paste below does not include the later Order Processing Fee that was tacked on as I moved through the ticket purchasing experience).  A-holes!
Saturday Experience
TICKET PRICE $59.00 x 1
SERVICE FEE $9.95 x 1
TAXES $0.83 x 1

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