Tobias Jesso Jr. - Goon. I forget how I added this guy to my queue, maybe through a Rolling Stone review, but his tune remind me heavily of the mediocre 70's John Lennon albums. His debut got good press and kind words from stars like Adele, leading him to some level of immediate fame. Not really my thing, but here is the most listened-to track off of that 2015 debut album, called "How Could You Babe."
Zac Brown Band - Jekyll + Hyde. Blerg, this is terrible. I had heard good things about this guy in the past, but I can't get behind this album at all. Maybe the Soundgarden-lite sound of "Heavy is the Head" is good, but I don't think it actually is. I'm just drawn in by Chris Cornell's voice and hoping its good. But not. A lot of this is not country-sounding at all but is more soft rock boringness with banjo, or the kind of cross-over banjofied-almost-EDM Avicci makes (see "Tomorrow Never Comes"). I guess the title of the album makes sense.
Raekwon - Fly International Luxurious Art. Bummer, but I think this establishes for me that Ghostface is the superior of those two ex-Wu guys. This album has a few head-bobber tunes that are fun enough to listen to, but overall it is uninteresting.
Blur - The Magic Whip. A couple of years ago, I went on and bought a couple of Blur albums to figure out what they were about. I owned Leisure back in high school, and loved it. "There's No Other Way" is a jam, and before I'd heard of Oasis, I thought this was perfect Brit music. Of course, after that, I'd heard "Song 2" but I had never taken the time to listen to their other albums. After reading repeatedly how they were the best thing in the world, I bought 1994's Parklife and 1997's Blur, both of which I put on heavy rotation during an annoying period when my work blocked all streaming. They are good - I still prefer old Oasis - but it is good music.
I think the same is true about this album, it can be poppy and fun ("Lonesome Street"), or they can go with brooding rock ("Go Out"), or it can be kind of forlorn and tender ("My Terracotta Heart"), but I dig the sound. The most listened-to track on the album is "Go Out," with just over 4 million listens.
Feel Right is: (1) my favorite fun song of all of 2015 and (2) by far the most fun video of 2015 as well.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, some good output from a convicted sex offender!