Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Pretty solid alternative rock with a touch of pop.  Reminds me of those tuneful alt rock bands from the mid-90's and early oughts that took the reins from Matchbox 20 and All American Rejects and then handed off to OK Go and Foster the People.  Two albums available on Spotify, with 2015's What's Real being vastly superior to 2011's Out in the Light.  No song from that 2011 album shows up in their top ten on Spotify, so I think people may agree with me on this.  The most popular track, with just over a million listens, is the lead track from What's Real, called "Got to My Head."
If you own a panda (or other odd animal) costume, there is a 78% chance that you will be featured in the video for some small-time band at some time in your life.  I'm investing now in one with the hope that someone comes calling soon.  I may get a kangaroo too, in case panda has already been played out.  Their second most listened to track is the title tune off of that album, "What's Real," with almost 600k spins.
Trippy, bro.  This is good music.  Rock enough to have an edge but pop enough to be tuneful and fun to jam out with for more than just a single.  Might just go check them out in October.

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