Saturday, September 12, 2015

Surviving ACL: The Drinks @ BAR

Now that I've spent time pontificating about the fancy pants beers in the Beer Hall, here are my thoughts about the regular yellow BAR tents.  These tents will be set up all over the park - usually there are a couple near any given stage, so you will have plenty opportunity to find yourself a cold beverage.  

You will run into long lines at times, and I have no good guidance for a bar that will be an easier experience.  Maybe the one closest to Stafford Drive and Barton Springs, next to the Honda stage, when no one is playing that stage.  I recall short lines there.  Especially as the day grows later, these things get packed with people.  Also, FYI, usually a two beverage per trip maximum.

All of the below thoughts assume that nothing changes, which could be incorrect, but ACL isn't listing facts about the drinks on their site. All are 16 oz. for $8 (what a deal!):
  • Miller Lite.  At one time, because my old man drank Miller Genuine Draft by choice, this was my light beer.  Then, one New Years Eve, a group of us did a light beer blind taste test to see if we could identify each of the major three Lights plus one of the cheap Lights (I forget which of the cheaps).  During the test, one guy proclaimed that you could tell that one of them was Miller Lite because it tasted like blood and pennies. This was about 15 years ago, and I still can't shake that flavor when I drink Miller Lite. Blurg.
  • Miller High Life.  Get serious people.  This costs the same amount as every other beer on this list.  The only legit reason to drink this or PBR or Lone Star or whatever hip old school beer you may consider is because it is cheap.  When confronted at the local bar with $10 ten ounce pours of MegaHop Morghulis Kedavra versus a tallboy of PBR for $2, this makes total sense. However, when the price is the same, buying the runs is not actually clever.
  • Miller Fortune.  This is purportedly an amber, but I doubt the veracity of that claim.  I tried one or two of these last year and I would not have guessed this was an amber. However, the draw on this choice is the alcohol content.  6.9% ABV, versus 4% for regular Miller.  Same price = better bang for your buck.
  • Imperial.  This is one of those beers that is probably absolute garbage in its home country (Costa Rica), but some enterprising importer brought to to America and now we overpay for its premium/import amazingness.  4.6% alcohol.  This is what I drank for the majority of my beers last year, as I am a sucker.
  • Real Ale Fireman's Four.  The best actual beer among this list.  I like most of Real Ale's offerings, and while F4 isn't my top choice of theirs, it is a good beer for this kind of setting. Light, no crazy hops, not super malty, just easy on the tongue and only 5% alcohol.  I'll likely aim here this year.
  • Redd's Apple Ale.  I will not try this.  Up yours.  I don't care how much you need information, you go reduce your lifespan on your own time.
WINNER:  Fireman's Four.  Duh.  But in a close second place is Miller Fortune because of the bang-for-buck factor of getting more alcohol for the same price.

Oh, and they'll also sell you exceedingly overpriced cokes, waters, coconut water, red bull, convenience-store-level wine, iced coffee, and sweet teas.  My friends Tito and Deep Eddy are fans of the sweet teas.

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