Sunday, June 19, 2016

Prinze George

One Liner:  Forgettable electronic indie.

Poster Position: 20

Thoughts:  I'm becoming cranky about this music way too early in this process.  I think doing the Chainsmokers and then hitting on this one was a bad combination.  I need to listen to some Metallica this afternoon to reset my brain.  
This band has one 2015 EP and then a few other singles.  For a band with that few songs out there (8), they have gotten a good amount of play on Spotify, with two tracks over a million and all but the newest one with more than a hundred thousand.  There isn't much available on them via my normal unimpeachable sources (Wikipedia, Spotify bio), but their website says "Prinze George is Kenny Grimm (production / instrumental), Naomi Almquist (vocals) and Isabelle De Leon (drums), who are based in Maryland."  Just based on that alone, I know I'm likely not going to like their music very much.  If you don't have a full time glockenspiel player, then don't bring your weak ass shit to me.
Their most listened to track, apparently "selected for the movie soundtrack of Warner Bros.' biggest European release in 2014, "Honig Im Kopf," a film directed by Til Schweiger," is called "Victor," and has 1.2 million streams.
Its fine, just kind of forgettable.  I literally just had to listen to it three times so that I could try to write something about it.  Pretty vocals, spare production, its just fine.  Then their second most listened to track is this one, called "Upswing," which has 1.1 million listens. 
Again, that is just fine.  Just kind of generic music with pretty good lyrics.  I don't hate it, but I sincerely doubt I'd make time to go see them play.

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