Dawes - We're All Gonna Die. Yeah, I'm not feeling much about this one. I like North Hills a bunch, and then Nothing is Wrong was pretty good, and I felt about the same for All Your Favorite Bands, but this one feels like it is striving for a rockier tone that falls flat. It also has a song called "Roll Tide," which does not appear to be about Alabama football, but it still makes me want to fight a random redneck bandwagon member, even though the sentiment and sound of the song is super soothing. The best part of this are the story-telling tunes, like "When the Tequila Runs Out" or "Less Than Five Miles Away." The former of those two is the most popular of the tracks on the album so far, with 1.3 million streams.
Bonkaz - Mixtape of the Year. Interestingly, no Spotify bio at all on this guy. For some reason, I've had two of his songs at the top of my queue for months, waiting for a full album to come out, so I've heard of the guy somewhere even if he isn't big enough to be recognized fully by Spotify. This type of music is apparently called "grime," and its an offshoot of regular rap music that apparently defies simple explanation. Seriously, go read the "origins" section of this Wikipedia article and see if that is any clearer for you. From what I can tell, it is energetic, hard-to-understand rap over the top of electronic beats that don't quite get so far as EDM, but kind of take a snippet from an EDM sound and repeat it. I'm not deep down in the GRIME GAME, yo, but I like this guy. According to an article I just read on Noisey, he previously had a massive hit with a song called "We Run the Block," but I don't know that one and it isn't on this album. But let's learn together - Check it.
Anyway, most of this is pretty good. I find the guys yelling "SKIRT SKIRT" in "Outside" and again on "Bands" to be offputting, although those are otherwise good songs. I think "Trouble" is cool, and "And Dat" is the top track on here, but I think I like "Run Out the Ends" most, personally.
The Pixies - Head Carrier. Oh man, I am so very thankful that this album is good. Is there anything worse than when a great old band comes back together for a new shot and its just garbage? They could have tried to update the sound or otherwise screwed with the perfect formula they had from back in the day, but instead, this sounds like the real deal Pixies from back in the day. And actually in some ways, it is better, since Black Francis doesn't ever really devolve into the screaming shredding that he used to do, which wears on you after a while. I think the title song is my favorite on here, but most of them are solid tracks. "Oona" sounds old school for sure, just like a b-side that would have been at home on Doolittle. Weird thing about these guys on Spotify, all of their songs are listed as having less than a thousand streams. Everything, even Fight-Club-fanboy-anthem "Where is My Mind" or "Here Comes Your Man." Weird. Now I think Spotify might be having issues, because other artists are showing the same issue. Well, none of the songs on this album are in the top ten listed on Spotify, and it won't show me play counts for the individual songs, so I'll check out YouTube.
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