Monday, May 22, 2017


One Liner: Electronic R&B with a killer falsetto.
Wikipedia Genre: (no wikipedia entry, going with electronic R&B)
Spotify Says Similar To: Abhi//Dijon and Jordan Bratton
Home: Nashville, TN

Poster Position: 22
Slot: ?

Thoughts: Can we have a discussion of the weird use of punctuation in band names and how that is destroying the world faster than global warming and income inequality?  How can anyone be expected to survive in the world when people are making their band names out of missing vowels and excess periods?  WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?  Even beyond this guy, one of the top "Related Artists" on Spotify is something with two slashes in the name. DAMMIT!
He has a website, but it shows literally nothing about him other than tour and a video, but I want to know where the name comes from.  I guess it is a take on his name?  The guy's name is Reginald Lamar Williams, Jr.  So it starts with an R and ends with an r, and lamar has the sound "lum" in it? None of the articles I can find discuss the name.  This is a lack of journalistic integrity!
As for the music, this isn't really my thing.  Electronics, synths, beats, and a nice falsetto singing over the top like a Weeknd meets Disclosure-type thing.  No real albums on Spotify, just 9 singles (some of which are just remixes of other songs), but one is significantly more popular than the rest, "Frustrated," which has just over 15 million streams.
You know, that is a pretty good song, but you just aren't going to find me going back for more tunes in the electro R&B world.  Just not my thing.  But I'm on board with this guy if you are into that kind of thing.  Here is one more - "Be Honest" - which has 1.2 million streams.
Earnest and heartfelt and all that, but not for me.

Recommend? No

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