Monday, June 5, 2017

Big Wild

One Liner: Electronic music that I liked more than I expected
Wikipedia Genre: Electronic
Spotify Says Similar To: NoMBe and Jai Wolf (can all band names henceforth be thrown into a volcano?  please)
Home: Lanchester, Mass.

Poster Position: 12
Slot: ?

Thoughts: So the poster had me confused, as the new one I printed out (once they added Jay Z) shows a band name as "Big Wild Muna," with no separator in between those words. So I was looking forward to some crazy ass person named Muna who was going to be willing to get 100% down on stage.  Apparently they just missed that little separator button that should have been between the two artists.  It's still there as I write this, but maybe they'll figure it out.

Anyhoo, this is just Big Wild.  Real name is Jackson Stell, but his Wikipedia page says that after he saw Big Sur he changed his DJ name and became the Big Wild.  Which, quite honestly, is a pretty boss name for an EDM guy who wants to hype the crowd.  As of right now, I don't know that I'd categorize him in that vein.  His top song is electronic, but it is less of a EDM banger and more of a fun-time bouncy track for dancing.  Reminds me of the Coldplay song on the radio a lot right now, with the sound of people playing coke bottles. That one big hit is a big outlier - "Aftergold" has two versions on Spotify and one has 18.1 million (the one with a guest singer) and the other has 16.0 million streams (the instrumental), and the next closest song has just over 3 million streams. So, here is some "Aftergold." (the one featuring Tove Styrke).  Starts with some Ace of Base-sounding lilts, so enjoy that before the beat kicks in.
Fun track.  I can't say it didn't get me bouncing along a little bit.  The second most popular track in his repertoire sounds like it takes a sample of the surf guitar from Link Wray's "Rumble," slowed it down to a bending crawl, and slipped it on between some hand-claps and chilled beats.  It's actually a cool ass sound.  This one is called "Venice Venture."
And another awesome thing I just found on YouTube while getting that above link?  A remix that adds in "Throw Some D's" into that beat.  Good stuff.
Uhhhhh!  That original "Venice Venture" track has just over 3 million streams on Spotify and is just a laid back groove.  I like it a lot.  If the entire crowd isn't smoking fat jays (or whatever the kids call it these days) during that song, then they've missed the mark.  So, this guy has no official albums, just a 2017 EP (Invincible) and then a bunch of singles. Nothing on that EP is nearly as good as the tunes I have already shown you, but I'll give you the most listened-to one, called "When I Get There," which has 1.5 million streams.
That song is fine, but not nealry as good as the older two tracks noted above.  Seems like he went from an inventive sound to a more traditional EDM thing.  I'm surprised to like some of these songs as much as I do.  Likely still wouldn't spend the time to go see him play, but I'll readily admit that some of these beats are snappy and fun.

Recommend?  If you're into electro, this one is pretty good.

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