Friday, June 23, 2017

Twin Limb

One Liner: Atmospheric dream pop with lady singer and an accordion
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia article, going with Dream Pop.
Spotify Says Similar To: Springtime Carnivore and Wilderado
Home: Louisville, Kentucky

Poster Position: 21

Slot: ?

Thoughts:  These guys apparently served as Jim James opening act and backing band during his 2016 tour, which is cool.  I love that dude.  I won't say this sounds like MMJ, just an interesting factoid.  The tunes are very pretty, and sort of filmy, dreamy, soft-toned things. One real album, 2016's Haplo, but only one song overall that breaks the 200k streaming mark.  The most listened to track overall is "Don't Even Think" from the 2015 EP called Anything is Possible and Nothing Makes Sense, and has 449k streams.
There just isn't enough accordion being used in dream pop albums these days.  These guys are here for the renaissance!  I listened through the entire catalog of songs available on Spotify twice this afternoon, and you just kind of get lost in the fluff on these things.  All very pretty, but I feel like there was very little to differentiate them - no moment of me looking up from my keyboard and thinking oh, hey, what is that one?
The currently most popular track, from the new album, is "Red Sun," which has 147k streams.
Not the studio version, but you get the feel.  Accordion, drums, guitar, and a pretty glowing machine of disco lights get you all you need for that jam.  Well, and the vocals.  Yeah, I like this music, its all very pretty, but I also don't see myself going to choose these tunes at the festival unless it is time for a nap.  But I won't nap, because last year I tried that shit and some dolt kicked me in the head on their way by and was very apologetic, but still, I got kicked in the damn temple, so the apologies are kind of dumb at that point because now I'm not asleep anymore and my head hurts and some terrible band was still playing at the time. So don't nap.  Ever.

Will I Go See Them?  Probably not.

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