Friday, August 25, 2017

ACL 2017: Finito!

I made it!  We survived!  Done-Zo!  Hail to the king, baby!

111 bands, singers, rappers, and other oddities, listened to and dissected and discussed in posts about all of the bands to come to ACL's Weekend One.  Only two artists were added to the lineup since I printed out my copy of the lineup, and one was removed, so I guess I really did 112 posts about artists.  Good stuff.  I hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoy checking out the new tunes and then blathering on about them.

Always such a freeing moment, in part because of the other music I've been saving up like flood waters in my New Stuff queue on Spotify.  So yesterday I finally listened to the new Arcade Fire (super awesome, wish they would be at ACL this year), the new Waxahatchee (also very good), and then went back to the new Royal Blood for some more.  And today is going to be all Queens of the Stone Age new disc all day.  It is already awesome and makes me want to go fight Hurricane Harvey with my bare fists.

So, next I'll be putting together some posts about each day, linking up my thoughts into time slots and giving suggestions for who I think you should see in each time slot for each day. Always a good time.  Then I'll check on the beer and food options to see if there is anything new to discuss, and I still need to show you the changes they've made to the park to better accommodate the masses and control the crowds.  All coming soon!  Someone buy me a beer!

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