Friday, August 4, 2017


One Liner: Classical music steeped electronic pop
Wikipedia Genre: Indie pop, electro
Spotify Says Similar To: MisterWives and MKTO
Home: NYC

Poster Position: 14

Slot: Sunday, ?

Thoughts:  Three brothers in this band, making electronic pop and dance music that sounds, to me at least, like it cribs note progressions and structure from classical music that is re-interpreted for performance by synths and computers.  Their original album, 2013's Living Room, has a little more guitar and real instrumentation, but their new album, 2017's The Click, is more pure electronic dance.  One monster hit on their resume, from that new album, "Weak," with 229.2 million streams.
I like how they show one of the brothers with a guitar in that video, when no sound of guitar is obvious in any way on the track.  And I'll agree that it is a catchy tune with a cool chorus.  "One sip, bad for me, one hit, bad for me, one kiss, bad for me, but i give in so easily ... I should stay strong, but I'm weak," not only enjoyable right now, but I can see yelling it at top volume in a crowd as well.  
That new album has a bunch of other tracks that go for more instrumentation, but they still do something in my mind that makes me thing that they were written to interpolate classical songs, and then you get basis lyrics about smoking weed (or not smoking weed) and best friends and not being famous.  "Sober Up" definitely feels this way with the string section included.
Their second most popular track is from that earlier album, and includes some electronic stuff, but also has real instrumentation (or at least piano and bass).  This is "I'm Ready," which fires up 49.7 million streams.
Another catchy tune.  Reminds me of that ubiquitous song about the guy who is trying to tell his future father in law that he doesn't have to be so rude and we're all humans too.  And that band fun.  Kind of reggae/EDM/harmonic pop.  I can see how this would all be pretty fun to listen to in a crowd, but this definitely isn't the type of music I'd want to listen to all day.  That being said, the more I've listened, the more this has grown on me.  Extremely catchy pop.

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