Thursday, August 10, 2017

Karen Elson [EDIT}

EDIT - she has been removed from Weekend One, now playing weekend two on Saturday.

One Liner: Model ex-wife of Jack White making lovely folky indie
Wikipedia Genre: Singer-songwriter (Wikipedia actually doesn't give her a genre)
Spotify Says Similar To: Jesca Hoop and Mark Eitzel
Home: Manchester, England

Poster Position: 17

Slot: ?

Thoughts: Come on, man.  She covers Lyle Lovett's "If I Had a Boat," man.  She is the most amazing artist ever to exist for all time.  Maybe not quite that great, but I literally perked up and immediately paused what I was doing to hear that one.  So good.

And she very literally is a supermodel, like she has walked runways for years and, according to her Wikipedia bio, has been in campaigns for everyone who is anyone.  By the way, there is apparently a fashion magazine called Dazed and Confused.  Which is fascinating - edit, now it is just called Dazed.  1998 VH1 Model of the Year.  2005 Best Model from British Fashion Awards.  So when I say that she is pretty (and red-headed, like all pretty people), I can say that with authority.  

She was also the wife of Jack White, the White Stripes guy, and was featured in the video for "Blue Orchid."
Which answers several questions about her that I definitely was wondering.  First, can she play a possessed demon lady in 10 inch high heels?  Yes.  Can she be chill about scary white snakes slithering on her?  For sure.  Does she enjoy white apples full of blood?  A favorite since she was young.  Can she make it seem like she wants to bone a horse, without actually boning said horse?  Absolutely.

But you didn't come here for White Stripes videos, eh?  You came for the folky rocky tunes of a pretty lady strumming and singing.  Well here you go!
That track is called "The Ghost Who Walks," which comes from the 2010 album of the same name and is, by far her most popular track at 2.1 million streams.  Her voice is good - it reminds me of Neko Case at times, Jewel at other times, and Lisa Loeb in others.  And I like all three of those ladies, so this is good company.  
In an interesting twist, the commenters on YouTube seem to think that White wrote all of her songs for her, but Wikipedia has a quote where she says that she wrote her music in secret from him, locking the bathroom door to hide while she wrote, and then White produced the album.  If you trust the Wikipedia track listing for the album, she is listed for credit on every song, with a few credits going to two others, but neither of them White.  Interesting - people just want to tear her down and make it seem like she's only here because of White, when really she has created these songs.  
Spin says that Patrick Carney (Black Keys, she apparently likes the guys from bands with Color Plural Noun as their name) produced some of the songs on Elson's new album, 2017's Double Roses.  The track they talk about in that blurb is a good shambling little rock tune with violin backing - "Call Your Name."  I'm not gonna play you that one.  The most popular song for her right now is "Wonder Blind," also from that new album.  Not going to play that one either.  I'm going to give you the one that reminds me of Jewel, "Distant Shore," with 959k streams.
Tender ballad, seems very fragile.  Her divorce was in 2013, so this isn't really the post-divorce album, but she's said that her divorce from White definitely colored this album.  The album is just full of good, chilled moments of lovely music, like the slide guitar and lackadaisical drummed "A Million Stars," or the Fiona Apple-esque "Wolf," or the laid back vibe (musically, sounds like Beck to me) of the title track.  Her voice really is lovely.  Must be cool to be a supermodel with killer pipes, man.  I mean, its pretty much like me, ridiculously good looking and with killer karaoke skillz.  We're basically the same person.

I don't know that I'd go see her.  I like the music, I really do, but this feels like an early afternoon show that I'd do if nothing else interesting was happening, to just go chill out and kick it to these relaxed tunes.

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