Tuesday, April 30, 2019

ACL 2019 Announced!


Holy shit.  That wasn't even anywhere on my radar at all.  But a kick ass surprise to have them as the top billed headliner.  never seen them, have loved them for many years.

The Cure is also a surprise, as I had predicted them as a possibility, but since they have nothing in the US, seemed like they wouldn't be picked for Austin as their sole show.  But, that is pretty dope, because no one else in the US is getting them.  They are OURS!

Mumford?  Yeah, their show a few years back was really good, but back again?  I guess, even with their last album being mediocre, I'm still excited to see them again.

Childish is weak.  Way overrated.

Tame Impala is amazing and I can't wait - which of course means that I am going to miss a lot of things that are at the top of this schedule - I can't go see them all.  Which sucks.

Billie Eilish and Cardi B are interesting - I'm not a major in to them, but I'd be willing to check out the spectacle.  Robyn is a popular gal, but I wouldn't go out of my way for that show.

And then you get to the "second row", which includes some of the coolest stuff on here - Kacey Musgraves, The Raconteurs, Gary Clark, Jr., Lizzo!  All four of those are things I would pay money to see, separately of ACL.  Super cool.

I have no clue what Thom Yorke's Tomorrow's Modern Boxes is about, but I guess he made yet another band.  We shall see.

Third Eye Blind.  Hahahahaha!  Bruce Hornsby baby!  He's still out there!  Tyler Childers is good.  Fidlar rocks.  Joseph is great.  SPRINGSTEEN!  Sure, its not Bruce, but I bet Palm Springsteen is totally the same thing...

Loads of new stuff to dig in to.  Woohoo!  This is a big lineup - lots of stuff on here that no one else is getting, and a big mix of stuff.  Although I say that, and there is no big EDM artist on here (or I don't recognize their name) until Griz on line 6.  Oh well, screw EDM anyways!  Long live ACL!

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