Friday, May 21, 2021


One Liner: Cringey teenage female rapper
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia presence, I'll just say mediocre rap?
Home: Seattle

Poster Position: Line 18
Saturday of Weekend One at 12:05pm on the Miller Lite Stage
Sunday of Weekend Two at noon on the T-Mobile Stage.

Thoughts: Seventeen year old rapper/singer who literally made my skin crawl during the first track.  I'm sure she's hot with the 13 year olds on TikTok, but this is causing me to wish I wasn't blogging the artists this year.  Not the best start for my listening experience!  She was something like 12 when she first started uploading her own songs onto Soundcloud.  She apparently likes Tyler, the Creator a lot - the one interview I just read has her calling him out repeatedly.

I have to make you listen to the "Dolphin" song now, so that you suffer though the same fate as my ears.  Inexplicably, this shit has 250k streams.  I want to die rather than listening to that again.
I mean.  Holy hell.  That is so freaking bad.  It's something a toddler would have come up with, and yet hundreds of thousands of people have subjected themselves to the experience of hearing it.  Maybe more than once!

The most popular track right now is better, but not much.  Sounds like she stole the beat from Kyle's "iSpy" and then leaned into her girl-ness, including rapping that "girls rule and boys drool" and then yelling "owwww!  That really really hurts!"
I tried listening through the rest of her top ten a few times, and I'm just not feeling any of it.  Maybe "Super Thicc" is alright, showing what she sounded like at first.  But then I keep looking at the Dolphin video again and I want to perish in a fire.  Or then I hear the "Whoopsy" song with Makonnen and I need a ear douche right away.  This is bad.

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