Thursday, August 3, 2023

Julia Wolf

One Liner:  Shy girl turned bedroom pop hot girl

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but this is pop.
Home: Queens, NY

Poster Position: Level 4 (17) 
Weekend One Only.

Thoughts:  Wikipedia says Julia Wolf is a mathematician specializing in arithmetic combinatorics who was the 2016 winner of the Anne Bennett Prize of the London Mathematical Society.  I don't even know what the hell that means, which is no surprise, being that I can't even help my kids with basic algebra anymore.  I find that my math skills are now just based in logic - like, I no longer understand how to use the little tricks (remove the negative sign and flip the numbers, or whatever) and instead just look at it and go "uh, yeah, that should be negative 16."  Which is not helpful in teaching children.  Anyway!  This is also the name of the fictional character who got killed near the start of Hammett's The Thin Man.  In other words, I can't do math and Wikipedia is no help here.

The first article I read about her was absolutely useless - just no interesting information other than she was very shy until she started writing music.  But now I have found that she got a good break from Spotify naming her to a Fresh Finds program, that included a huge billboard in Times Square.  She apparently writes lyrics in both English and Italian, and makes all of this in her bedroom.  She almost moved to Italy with her family to open a pizza restaurant years ago, and was pissed when her dad decided to go a different direction.  But a few months after that she met a producer named Jackson Foote and that match proved fruitful for her.

A bunch of singles starting in 2019 - that first one pretty much has the same sound as the later ones to me, and is still listed as her most popular track on Spotify.  "Captions" with 4.2 million streams.

One minute and open permission to use her lyrics in your social media posts.  First two EPs were both in 2020, that mainly just collected her singles, before her first real album in 2021, Girls in Purgatory (although it really seems like another EP, but Spotify calls it an album).  2023's Good Thing We Stayed feels like the more real debut album, with ten songs and an actual length.  The top track from that is the empowerment anthem with a scary video called "Hot Killer."  2.9 million streams.
"Team Draco I was born into Slytherin" was not the lyric I was expecting, but I guess a shy girl turned into a hot girl might have that in her holster.  Pretty good - catchy stuff.  It feels like we have a good number of this type of artist on the poster this year, or maybe I am just mired in the Pop Girl section of the lineup, I dunno.  But I definitely need a break before I try out Tove Lo or Kali Uchis.  I'd pass on this one, personally.

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