Saturday, August 5, 2023

Mimi Webb

One Liner:  Surprisingly fun dance pop

Wikipedia Genre: Pop, Dance
Home: Canterbury, England

Poster Position: Level 4 (17) 
Both Weekends.

Thoughts:  In all honesty, she has grown on me.  When I first started the top song, my immediate reaction was "ugh, another of these girls who adds annoying affectation to her voice over generic pop beats."  Which is 100% true.  But after just letting this roll in the background while I got some stuff done, I've actually found myself singing along and rolling my shoulders a little.  She's got that RIZZ!  (I can feel my kids cringing from miles away as I type that word, even though they don't know why they cringe, but it struck them in their core like the Force).

Amelia Anne Webb goes by Mimi.  I had a great-grandmother we called Mimi, and my wife had a grandmother they called Mimi.  The odd thing about that was that each family had their own distinct pronunciation of that name, so that even today our kids can tell which one we are talking about when we mention a story about either MeeMee or Mehmeh.  I just checked the way Graham Norton said her name, and she's got the MeeMee thing going.  But I digress.

She started making music as a kid, and went to Brighton Music College before heading to L.A. to get signed by Epic Records at age 18.  A TikTok personality named Charlie D'Amelio shared her first single on TikTok, snagging her over 85 million views.  She released a number of singles before a little seven song album in 2021 - that album includes the tune with her highest stream count, "Good Without."  192.7 million streams.

Hear what I mean with the affectations to her voice.  Drives me insane.  You have a good voice - there is no reason to do those annoying ass things to modulate the way you sound!  Then again, she's the famous music artist and I'm just some dope with an Internet connection, so what do I know.  Don't love that song.

Then she just released a new 2023 album called Amelia.  This one has the two tunes that have most snagged my attention - "Red Flags" and "House on Fire."

That second one is the jam that I found myself actually singing along to on my third listen.  Terrifically cheery ode to psychotic behavior.  She looks so happy when she sings that there won't be enough evidence to convict.

Even though she has grown on me, I still likely would not go watch the set.  But if she's up against something truly terrible, then sure.  I WANNA DANCE!

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