Monday, August 21, 2023


One Liner:  Actress turned rapper/R&B singer with some pretty solid results

Wikipedia Genre:  Pop, rap, R&B
Home: Encinitas, California

Poster Position: New Addition to the Poster
Weekend One Only.

Thoughts:  This is an actress, best known for her role as singer Tiana Brown on the Fox network show Empire.  I have never watched that show before, the only reason I think it rings a bell is because of that Jussie Smollett guy getting in trouble a few years ago.

Her full name is Serayah Ranee McNeill, and she's from Encinitas, California.  It sounds like her first big moment was appearing in Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" video back in 2015, and not long after that she was cast in a recurring role on Empire.  A handful of singles on her playlist, and then one 2023 album called Flutter.  Most of the songs on that album have zero plays on Spotify, so it hasn't quite caught on.  Her top track is a 2017 single called "Driving Me," with 2.7 million streams.

I like her rap action a lot more than I like her generic R&B stuff.  You can also see why she's been in a handful of other artists' videos, and on TV, as she's quite pretty.  Her next biggest track is a 2019 single called "Love It," with 925k streams.

Nothing groundbreaking here, but a generally good beat and she can flow over the top of it easily.  If you told me this was a Rihanna track, I'd probably believe you.  I doubt I'll be at the noon shows on Saturday, but this is pretty good.

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