Sunday, August 6, 2023

the moss

One Liner:  Jangly rock and roll with a little reggae/surf tinge from dudes foolish enough to leave Hawaii for Utah.

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia - indie rock, alternative rock
Home: Hawaii (formed), now in Salt Lake City

Poster Position: Level 4 (20) 
Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts: These dudes sound like someone else that I can't put a finger on.  Feels like another ACL band who was here before, and my brain thinks they had a song my daughter liked about orange juice or pancakes?  Dangit. 

Anyhoo (is it supposed to be anywho?  Meriam-Webster says it is the former, although the latter is used less often.  Weird.  Kathie Lee Gifford apparently said that word on an NBC newscast in 2010.  Why do we retain such knowledge?  I dunno) ANYHOO - this group of four dudes (including two brothers) started making music together in Oahu back in 2015 before making an extremely ill-advised move to Salt Lake City.  I mean, I say ill-advised just because who the hell chooses SLC over Oahu?  Maybe it was great for the career and stuff, but I'd take the beauty of Hawaii any day over Mormonland.  But over time, they have opened for Cage the Elephant and Mt. Joy, and I think they have gotten better over their discography.

2 albums and a recent EP - 2019's Bryology, 2021's Kentucky Derby, and 2023's Insomnia EP.  Their top streamer is the title song from that new EP, which was featured on a Spotify playlist.  8.2 million streams.

Jangly guitar action - they definitely do a lot of that hard strum action in these tunes.  He definitely kept the look of a Hawaiian surfer dude.  Fun love song for sure - feels less likely to have such an upbeat tune when the title is insomnia, but I get the idea.  The second most streamed is a 2020 single called "Willie's Song," that has more of a reggae rock feel to it.  Just over 4 million streams.
Laid back and cool.  Feels like something that would have soundtracked a scene in Outer Banks.  More hard strum action again too.  I'd go check it out.

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