Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tim Kubart

One Liner: Kiddie pop!

Wikipedia Genre: His Wikipedia says he is also known as Tambourine Guy.
Home: America!

Poster Position: Not on the poster
Weekend One Only.  
Saturday and Sunday.

Thoughts:   Wikipedia says he is an American actor and musician, and lists some bangin' roles in movies, like Chinese Food Delivery Boy in Why George?, Young Paul in What Happens Next, and Fratboy in Grand Street.  For his television career, he's popped up in soap operas, Law and Order SVU, and The Sunny Side Up Show, which is likely where he got the singing career from, because his songs are generally all kiddie action.  He was the host of that show.

Biggest tune is "Breakfast Club," with 118k streams.
He's got a nice tenor voice that is super purely cute and non-threatening.  He's gonna be great for those of you with little kids.

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