Thursday, September 28, 2023

ACL 2023: The Map!


(well, that looks terrible, doesn't it?  Someday I'll understand web design.  NO, actually, I know I never will.  Oh well)

They just uploaded the new map, and here is what I notice right off the bat - it looks like the Barton Springs stage is now named the IHG Hotels and Resorts stage.  Which is weird, since the schedule printouts I have still say Barton Springs, but I guess they popped up at the last minute with some cash.  Jerks.  Now I have to go change my schedules.

In addition, that stage is now rotated.  Maybe it is just the way they drew it this year (pretty blue box with wings) versus last year (tiny black rectangle) but it looks to be moved back and rotated more towards the Amex stage.  Who knows how it will really look.

Still three main entrances, which appear to be in the normal spots.  GA+ and VIP are still shoved behind the Kiddie area, and there will probably still be a bunch of bitter a-holes over near there who get mad when you try to fit through the gauntlet of their chairs and blankets to get to the entrance for the Amex stage.  Looks good!

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