Tuesday, September 26, 2023


One Liner:  Kiddie rap time!

Wikipedia Genre:  Kiddie rap
Home: Nashville

Poster Position: ?
Weekend Two Only.
Saturday at 2:30.  Sunday at 4:15

Thoughts:  Their band name actually has an umlaut in it, which I always approve of.  You pronounce the name like "fyooch" - like a shortened version of the word future if you were one of the girls from Mean Girls.  "stop trying to make fyutch happen!"

These are classic kiddie limits tunes - the top one is called "Empathy" and is a lesson on what empathy is and why we should all practice it.  I guess this is rap, although the beat is really sparse and sounds like it is being played live.

Real name is Harold Michael Simmons II, and he was born in Gary, Indiana.  At age 7, he won the city-wide speech contest and that kicked off a life of speaking in public.  He's given a TED talk.  He graduated from Belmont University.  Before aiming at the kiddie market, he was in a rap group called The Legendary Biscuits and Gravy, which was apparently good enough to open for Kanye, GZA, and Nappy Roots in Nashville.  He then released music as Future the Artist (which seems like a bad idea when Future already exists in the rap space, although he has been quoted as believing that he used the moniker first.).  He also went by Mr. Flattop - on the album by that name he samples the hell out of "Listomania" on the track called "Ballin'."  Kind of fun.  Probably not a cleared sample.  His top single overall is called "Rainin' Money," and interpolates "It's Raining Men" - 158k streams, but I doubt he'll be playing that one in the Kiddie Limits area.

Here is "Empathy," with 27k streams.

Sure.  I hope everyone loves him!

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