Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Patrick Martin

One Liner:  Perfectly pleasant pop rock that feels like 1975 b-sides

Wikipedia Genre:  No Wikipedia, this is bedroom pop and pop rock
Home: L.A.

Poster Position: 5 (27)
Weekend One Only.

Thoughts:  His top track really sounded like something I had heard before, but I apparently have not written about this dude previously.  No Wikipedia on him, and the articles I found are very cursory.  I can tell you that he was born in Wisconsin and had anxiety as a kid.  His songs were used for him to handle that anxiety, and so they are generally very personal, and have a bedroom pop sound to them.  He went to and graduated from Marquette University, apparently becoming known for singing at house parties, and then moved to L.A. to try out the music industry.  He was inspired by classic rock, and apparently decided he wanted to be a performer because of Garth Brooks energetic live shows.

No actual albums, just a handful of singles on his Spotify.  Biggest one is "Cinema Love," a 2019 single, with 3.5 million streams.

My dude is good looking, and his voice is good, but part of me really thinks he needs to link up with a band and expand the sound.  Otherwise, he is a generically good-looking white dude with a generic name.  But if he was the lead singer of CH33SE CURDZ, the top rock and roll band in Wisconsin, he's be killing it.  That song is fine - it's a little overly precious.  The only other song he's got that breaks a million streams is "Stranger Nights," another 2019 single.  1.5 million on Spotify.

After having just listened to the 1975 for this blog, I'm hearing similar things here and it's making me like it less.  Overall, this guy seems to have a nice sound and may be poised for a big breakthrough.  But it also feels like generically poppy stuff that others have done before.

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