Monday, September 11, 2023

Resonate (2023)

One Liner: A few dank raps from a weed store owner.

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but rap
Home: Denver

Poster Position: Not on the poster.
Weekend One Only.  Sunday.

Thoughts:  I am really confused as to why this is on the Kiddie Limits stage, as these are explicit rap tracks?  There has to be another artist with this same name, right?

I figured this was a kiddie band, and instead it's a weed-smoking rapper from Denver who owns a smoke shop.  Huh.  Natty Nate started making music after taking an audio production class in college.  His group is apparently called All Natty.
That is their track called "Golden Ticket," about going to the Recreation Cannabis Cup in Denver.  I think he is the second rapper in that track.

Only four songs available on Spotify, so not a ton to go on.  This is (hopefully?) not the same Resonate as is available on Soundcloud, who is a guy named Joey Dillon and is from Edmonton.  No way to know which guy this is that will be here in the fall, but I'll assume it is the dude from Denver because he is on Spotify.  No website or article about him on the web either.  His most popular tune is "OTW"  53 views on YouTube.
The intro sounds like Andy Sanberg doing a bit.  Kind of a cool beat, but overall this definitely sounds like a guy who is making homemade beats in the back of his weed shop in between selling little glass pipes and gummies.

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