Tuesday, September 26, 2023


One Liner:  Electronic house music just like the last batch you heard 

Wikipedia Genre:  No Wikipedia, but house
Home: Dunno, just going to guess L.A.

Poster Position: 3 (8) 
Both Weekends.
Sunday at 6:15.

Thoughts:  One of those where on the first song, I was like, "oh sure, I know this!  Have they been here before?"  Well, it's because their top track is actually a Diplo track that they just helped with somehow.  I never really understand how multiple electro artists collaborate on a track - does one of them turn the left knob that does nothing while the other one turns the right knob that does nothing?  The fourth most popular track on their Spotify is also familiar, because it features two different electro people from last year - Diplo and Purple Disco Machine.  Are we just getting buddies to play the Fest every year?  It is not until their 6th most popular track that you actually get a full-on Sidepiece tune that isn't just a remix or feature.

That solo track is not great - I'm not a big EDM guy, so no real shock there, but I much prefer the stuff with Diplo guiding the ship to "What You Need," which is soooo generic.  550k streams.

There you go!

Just so you can witness that DIPLO top track as well, with 258.6 million streams.
The weird talking over the top in that video is not in the real song.  Just FYI.  There was a great Tweet the other day saying: "dance music in the 90’s was incredible, just a woman putting her entire soul into a beat that had every cell in your body vibrating… then here comes some jacked baldhead dude with a deep voice rapping the stupidest shit you’ve ever heard.  You’d be in a trance at the skating ring having this out of body experience and then “(comically deep voice) it’s night time and my love is hot, I dance, you dance, we dance a lot”"  Hilarious.  I almost wish that these songs at least had that to lean on.  Instead, they are just uninteresting beats and singers.  I need the bad rapping.

If you Wikipedia "sidepiece," it takes you directly to the article about "Mistress (lover)" which is kind of funny.  The top result on google when searching for "Sidepiece band" gets you a Nashville band that is apparently "a collection of the music industry's top side women on a mission to shatter the boys-only-backing-band statistic."  I didn't know that was a statistic.  But the website "youasidepiece.com" brings us to this group and finally some background on them.  Dylan Ragland and Ricky Mears are the guys behind the name, and they have apparently been nominated for a Grammy - Best Dance Record in 2021 (actually won by Kaytranada) - but they also still make music on their own, Ragland as Party Favor and Mears as NITTI.  The linked up via DMs in 2019 and later formed this group.  The more I search for info about them, the more I notice that there are a ton of bands that share this name.  Even one based in Austin!  So, I don't know where they are from, but I don't honestly care, either.

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