Tuesday, September 26, 2023


One Liner:  Grunge/Alternative rock badassery with UNAPOLAGETIC BRAVADO AND CATHARTIC LYRICISM

Wikipedia Genre:  No Wikipedia, but classic rock, post-punk rock, grunge, alternative
Home: Nashville

Poster Position: 4 (22) 
Weekend One Only.
Sunday at 3:15.

Thoughts:  I'm going to be honest, pleasantly surprised here.  I saw the name of this band and felt the will to finish this poster leaving my body.  I figured this was going to be another soft-singing lady trying to copy Lana Del Rey.  Instead, its feedback laced rock and roll radness.

The Helianthemum is the scientific name for the rock rose, sunrose, rushrose, or frostweed.  Tears of the Kingdom ass plant names.  Obviously, because I'm talking about that random crap, these dudes don't have a Wikipedia page.  Also, there is an Aussie band of the same name but I don't think this is them.  Most of the time, when I go read a review of bands that I am listening to for this project, I read the dumbest crap possible and learn nothing.  Such as this information, about their 2023 album Self-immolation: "a defiant body of work that pushes up against the bands established thematic and sonic boundaries. Cathartic lyricism captures elements of the bands unapologetic bravado, offering rumination on the human existence."  Did AI write that?  So dumb.

Despite all of that, the music itself freaking jams.  I am absolutely here for it.  Band was apparently formed in 2020 by some dudes from LA, but most of the articles I can find about the band are actually about the Australian band that broke up.  Their Spotify bio just says they came from different walks of life and converged in L.A., and then another crappy bit of copy: "Gauzy melodies and hard hitting riffs infused with lyrics that could entice a revolution."  Vomit.

Two albums - 2021's SUNROSE and 2023's Self-immolation.  Very low streams on most of this, but they apparently nailed two of the songs on that first disc.  "Hollywood Harlot" has 109k streams.  Sadly, no studio version on YouTube, so here comes the live version in all of it's raw, hard-to-hear beauty.

I swear it is better on the studio version where it is not being filmed by an iPhone inside of an aquarium stuffed under a mattress.  But, you get the idea - straight-on rock and roll THAT COULD START A REVOLUTION, MAN!   The second-most streamed song is "Power," also from that first album, and it has a real video, so here you go.  90k streams.

The bassist looks like one of the Stranger Things guys.  That one kicks in like a Rage song, until the vocals come in and then it gets a little more sunny and nice for a bit, like Silverchair.  Remember Silverchair?  That Frogstomp album ruled.  But what I really think of when I hear that song is how much I want to RUMINATE ON THE HUMAN EXISTENCE!  And that rap 3/4 of the way through again brings back the Rage feels.  I really like it.

And just to see what the new album is bringing to the table, here is the first song, "Burn."  4k streams so far.

A little more NIN-playing disco drums glam.  Remember those weird songs where Nine Inch Nails sounded like this industrial glam stuff.  That was weird.  But this is fun.  I've been int he damn wilderness on this poster for so many days - Spanish artists, pop stars, Mumford copy-cats - that it is nice to get to something that just unabashedly rocks out.

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