Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Valley James

One Liner: One nice little song that is apparently considered Western AF

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia - country?
Home: No clue.

Poster Position: Level 5 (24) 
Weekend Two Only.
Saturday at 12:45

Thoughts:  Welp, don't know what this is.  There is an artist called James Valley on Spotify who, according to his Spotify bio, is "a DJ Producer borned in the city of Quito - Equador, consider as a music promise of music electronic..."  Mmmkay.  Otherwise, Spotify wants me to try Caitlin James, the band called Valley, or James McMurtry's song "Valley Road."

Wait.  I searched for Valley James on YouTube, and it brought up that same Caitlin James gal that I already reviewed.  I guess she just changed her name in between the time the poster was printed and the schedule was released.  That is weird.  Well, in case they aren't the same person (I don't know what is happening here), here is her one song.

Not much written about her either.  I know who her agent is, but otherwise no profiles or stories.  Not sure how she scored a spot on the ACL poster! (if she did?)  Nice enough song - her voice is strong, and her basic guitar playing is fine.  Pretty tune!  No reason to seek her out in the fall though.

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