Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dylan Gossett

One Liner: Another Zach Bryan acolyte, from Austin, making good acoustic tunes.

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but I'll say Country, Americana, Folk
Home: Austin


Thoughts:  Huh.  How many Zach Bryan-ified guys are going to be on this poster?  I like ZB, but it feels like one or two of those stripped down guys is enough, before this festival is going to turn into the Kerrville Folk Festival and we'll just have singer-songwriter night on every stage.

He actually grew up in Austin, the son of a school teacher and a high school basketball coach.  He tried guitar lessons as a kid, but those didn't pan out.  He ended up teaching himself via lessons from YouTube, immersing himself into classic country and some of the new school guys on this poster.  Maybe I need to give the guitar a try again.  I wonder how you go about finding the best guitar lessons on YouTube, so that I'm not just wading through garbage for hours?  Anyway, he went to A&M, and after he graduated he took a job at the Circuit of the Americas in the Operations team.  He kind of reminds me of Jackopierce's early stuff, but also of the kind of guy you would hear in the corner of a bar just rocking out by himself while everyone talks and drinks.

He started posting covers online, and then finally caught on with "To Be Free," which apparently became a thing on TikTok.  But it was "Coal" that really blew up and catapulted him into the big time.  
Great central line - "they say pressure makes diamonds, how the hell am I still coal."  Good tune, very low key, DIY, basic singer-songwriter vibe.  He only actually has six songs, so there is a limited amount of vibe you can get a hold of here, but his second-most streamed is called "To Be Free" and is lovely.  6.3 million streams.
Still just a boy and his guitar, but that one gets a little more of a snappy tempo going.  "Beneath Oak Trees," which is about him getting married in Wimberly under an oak tree canopy, is really nice.

I'd go catch his set.  Pretty low key stuff, but he feels like the kind of guy who may be on the up elevator right now.

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