Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Predicting ACL 2024: Bonnaroo announced

Folks, I have been severely delinquent in my guessing games this year.  I keep thinking to myself that I need to write a post about why I think Rhianna may be at the Fest next year, and then I get busy with other crap or write up another Two Step Inn artist and I don't get it done.

Anyway, it is usually pretty helpful to see what artists are doing the other major festivals, to see who might be on tap for Zilker Park in the Fall.  And what I really need to do is actually take the time to research these artists to show that they either have the time to show up or they can't be there, and make my predictions.  However, this is just a hater post.  Nothing substantive here, just me being an old man shaking his fist at the sky to say if ACL tries to tell me that Post Malone, Pretty Lights, and Fred Again are three of my four headliners, I am throwing hands.  I love the Chilis, but they won't be back to ACL.  Just a brutal lineup (excepting Maggie Rogers, Jason Isbell, Khrungabin, and Gary Clark Jr.).  Damn.

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