Friday, December 20, 2024

Paerish: Spiderhouse Ballroom: 12/11/24

I have been waiting to see these dudes for almost a decade.  Many years ago, a baseball writer who I followed sent out a newsletter/e-mail thing that I would devotedly read each week.  This writer was great in part because he didn't just stick to baseball.  He also talked about music, and board games, and books, and other random ephemera.  Which made it significantly more fun to read his stuff.  He turned me on to the Beths!  And he also brought up this band, a little quartet from France, who make a very appealing sound like a post-grunge rock and roll band.  You'd never know they were French.
Definitely guitar-forward, but catchy as all hell.  Anyway, I follow them on Instagram and so I saw an announcement when they were going to come to Austin.  I talked a friend into going with me, and it was all set.

I'm sure I have been to a smaller show before, but if so, I can't recall it.  At one point, I glanced around and counted that there were 27 people total in the room.  Which made me terribly sad.  That these guys had flown all the way over to Texas to play their asses off, and no one was even there to hear it.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing them play it all live, but just never could shake the feeling of sadness I had for them.  Maybe they didn't care and were totally fine with it, but my mind couldn't quit worrying over their feelings at looking out at an empty room of a handful of folks politely bobbing their heads along with the tunes.  Too bad, really.  I like their new album a lot too!

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