The Official ACL Blog for like Eight People!
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Electronic pop and rock. I feel like I've slogged through electo pop so many times while listening to the lower-tier bands this year. Myers has two EPs on Spotify, 2012's Daughter in the Choir and 2014's Make a Shadow. Her voice makes me think of Fiona Apple, but her music is all moody electronic or angry rock. I was going to say I liked it, but then "Tennessee" was followed by "Poison," both of which are terrible, and so now I'm not so sure. She has two tracks with over two million spins, both from the more recent Make a Shadow EP. The top one is called "Desire" with almost 2.8 million listens.
So ominous! Like a 50 Shades of Grey fan song. And those lyrics, I mean, she really wants to get it on with invisible guy. Although maybe she needs to understand that he is invisible and therefore apparently can't answer when she asks how he wants her. It would help preserve her voice from having to ask that question 300 times and getting all screamy about it. Poor invisible guy. Use a dry erase board to let her know how you want to get it on. Then the second most popular track is called "The Morning After," which is much less angry, insistent ominous rock and more of a folky singer-songwriter thing.
Pretty. And I like that side of her much better than the screaming nutjob in "Heart Heart Head" or "Go." The non-screaming music is fine, but I just found myself not wanting to start it back up after getting off of a call, so I think I'm not that in to it.
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