Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Amy Shark

One Liner: Indie electronica gal making beat-heavy pop
Wikipedia Genre: Indie pop
Spotify Says Similar To: Vera Blue and Kita Alexander (I've literally never heard of anything in their list of similar groups - this factoid may just be useless)
Home: Queensland, Australia

Poster Position: 22
Slot: Sunday at 11:45

Thoughts:  If this was backed by an acoustic guitar, it would be more appealing to me.  Lyrically, it is interesting, I just can't get on board with the tunes themselves.  Instead, it reminds me of Alanis Morissette-style bitter lyrics over old Dido beats.  Heavy on atmospheric synths and snap sounds. She doesn't have a proper album, just an EP (2017's Night Thinker) and three singles.  Her most popular, no doubt, is "Adore," with 15.9 million streams and a win for Pop Song of the Year at the Queensland Music Awards.

Actually, a pretty solid tune.  I get why that one would be significantly more popular than the much less pleasing "Spits on Girls," her other early single.  The second most popular is from the new EP, "Weekends" has 1.8 million streams.
They are not very good workers for that grocery store.  If they lived on the Island of Sodor they would be troublesome trucks indeed!  And Amy really wants to use her arms as though she is a rapper.  She never held a hand gat sideways and cocked her thumb, but I feel like she was just a second away.  This is fine, but I wouldn't keep listening to the music so I doubt I'd go see her play.

Recommend?  Probably not.

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