Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Deap Vally

One Liner: Hard rockin' ladies hole up in Jack White's garage
Wikipedia Genre: Alternative rock, blues rock, garage rock, heavy metal
Spotify Says Similar To: Findlay and Drenge (and The Dead Weather)
Home: Los Angeles, CA

Poster Position: 15
Slot: Sunday at 12:30

Thoughts: Woah.  For some reason, this band name made me think that it was going to be some sort of gentle folky indie, like First Aid Kit or something, and then it is some fuzzy, grimy lady rock that is getting me all sorts of excited.  I like this stuff a lot.  Heavy and fuzzy rock and roll like some White Stripes and Royal Blood and the good parts of Sleigh Bells. Two albums - 2013's Sistrionix and 2016's Femejism.  They already win awards just solely based on those album names.  Femejism? That is amazing.
The most listened to track is from that 2013 album Sistrionix, "Baby I Call Hell" has 2.2 million streams.
Man, I hate when the ads on YouTube are snippets of EDM songs.  I literally just clicked on a link to listen to some grungy rock and roll and you are going to play me some garbage by Zedd for 10 seconds?  Up yours.  Anyway, there you have it.  Lingerie-clad fuzz rock.  The most popular track right now is even better, but only has 903k streams.  "Royal Jelly" is from the new album.
Sounds so much like Royal Blood when it starts, before the singing kicks in.  Oooh, but that guitar riffage during the chorus is the good stuff.  That is the pure, grade-A business right there.  I'd go see these guys play.

Recommended?  Yes.

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