Monday, May 15, 2017

Carson McHone

One Liner: Austinite making fine throwback country tunes
Wikipedia Genre: Country
Spotify Says Similar To: Lisa Wright and Ben Ballinger (never heard of any of the people she is purportedly similar to).  I'm saying she is like Kelly Willis.
Home: Austin

Poster Position: 22
Slot: ?

Thoughts:  I saw her open for Jerry Jeff Walker last year, and as I mentioned then, she has some good tunes. Native Austin girl, and the Chronicle did a good piece on her a while back that explains a lot about her background.  The music is country in the vein of early Kelly Willis or more raw, countrified Cowboy Junkies.  My favorite from the one album (2015's Goodluck Man) is "Dram Shop Gal," which has 30k streams on Spotify.
That video is 4 years old - promise she doesn't look quite such like a twelve year old now. And that isn't even her most popular track, as that honor goes to "Maybe They're Just Really Good Friends," which clocks in at 124k streams on Spotify.
That's the stuff that sounds a lot like Kelly Willis, the same little lilt in the voice that she used to great effect on What I Deserve.  This girl is good.  If you don't dig on country, then you aren't going to be into it, but I like her.

Recommend? Yes.

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