Monday, May 15, 2017


One Liner: Electronic pop R&B from a local duo
Wikipedia Genre: (no Wikipedia page, but I'd describe as electronic pop R&B, obviously)
Spotify Says Similar To: Eyes on the Shore and Quiet Company
Home: Austin

Poster Position: 22
Slot: ?

Thoughts:  Anthony Watkins II apparently lives here in Austin, although his website is not especially instructive about him, and there are no bios on Spotify or Wikipedia for me to lean on to learn more about him.  Austin Monthly did a short profile of him for being a band to watch.  His voice reminds me of the guy from Fritz & the Tantrums.  Oh, and here is a better article about them from the Chronicle.  Two guys in the band, Watkins and a guy named Tim Shelburne, but nothing about which role either of these guys plays in the band.  Oh well, what about the music?  Just one EP on Spotify, the Some Other Country EP from 2016. Reminds me of the Weeknd's electronic love song R&B stuff that's kind of depressing in tone.  Especially "2:09."  Although it isn't the top song from the album, I think "Solo" is the best one I've noticed on it.  Has 180k streams.

Huh.  That is actually a really good song.  I was fully prepared to not be that interested after the first few swings through his tunes, but that is some catchy, well-crafted stuff.  Look at me, opening up my horizons and digging on some e-R&B.  His most popular and most listened-to track, by far, is "Swoon," which was a single from 2015 (looks like his first one). It cranks up 1.1 million streams (this one goes to 11!).
Damn.  Its like the video from Radiohead's "No Surprises" that makes me breathe hard and worry about whether or not I am about to drown.  And another good tune.  OK, I'm coming around on this one. Definitely not my normal cup o' tea for a band to want to go watch, but this is surprisingly good.

Recommend?  Kind of, actually yeah.

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