Wikipedia Genre: Country
Spotify Says Similar To: Dylan Schneider and Chase Rice. Actually, this list of similar artists is amazing, because its like someone went to casting for the OC and grabbed up all the perfect names for country heartthrobs (well, except for Schneider, maybe). You've got "Tucker Beathard" (no, I'm not making that up) or Kane Brown and Dylan Scott and Chase Bryant and Ryan Hurd and Chris Lane and Cale Dodds and JJ Lawhorn (another winner I couldn't make up) and Cole Taylor and one female, Brooke Eden. If those weren't all written by some screenplay writer in Nashville trying to make the new Friday Night Lights football roster, then I'll eat my shirt.
Home: Nashville
Poster Position: 20
Slot: ?
Thoughts: The kind of country singer with a guitar covered in about 14 stickers (that I can see), which include the Confederate flag, "Support Your Local Moonshiners," "Biscuits n' Porn" (not making this up), and something that says "Whiskey Jam" and has the three stars from the Tennessee flag on it. I don't think we are going to get thinking man's country out of this large bearded man.
Honestly, you know what I hear in this? Like a country version of Nickelback. "One Number Away" is the song I'm in the midst of, and it literally sounds like some sort of bad late 90's/early oughts lame rock band.
Remember last year when the country music at the fest was amazing? This is not the same stuff.
Would I Recommend this in the Fall? No.
Holy hell this is some garbage. (the music, not your review. SPOT ON Mr. Skaggs, SPOT ON!)