Monday, July 3, 2017

Spencer Ludwig

One Liner: Trumpet-forward pop tunes.
Wikipedia Genre: Trumpet, vocals, keyboard
Spotify Says Similar To: morgxn and Girl Blue
Home: Los Angeles

Poster Position: 20

Slot: ?

Thoughts: Spotify says he is a trumpeter known for his funky jazz and R&B infused pop. That sounds terrible.  He has apparently toured with Foster the People, Portugal the Man (both ACL bands this year) and Capital Cities, St. Lucia, and HOLYCHILD (past ACL bands) so maybe he is actually the booking agent for ACL and only now is bold enough to book himself...  hmmmmm.

Oh God, 98% of his songs available on Spotify are the same song (Diggy) in a billion remix formats.  He literally has Diggy Feels, Pt. 1 (6 song EP) and Diggy Feels, Pt. 2 (7 song EP) that are both entirely versions of this same track.  Now I want to die.  Here is a version (I have no clue which one) for you to enjoy.

63k views for that video, and 2 million streams for the main version on Spotify.  Makes me think of a less exciting Bruno Mars.  Actually, makes me think of a Disney movie where the main character is a high school band nerd and gets made fun of every day and stuffed into lockers until one day he finds a magic ugly/shiny striped blazer that gives him special dance move powers and he spontaneously bursts into this song and trumpet breakdown while everyone else in the high school raises their eyebrows and nods their heads until they too are breaking into a spontaneous (but fully coordinated) dance on the front steps of the high school.  This show, called JAZZED!, is sure to make Disney millions and loads of spin off opportunities, and I only require a 25% cut once it is made.  YOU ARE WELCOME DISNEY!

I actually hear Foster the People in some of these tunes, like "Right Into U," which totally sounds like something off FTP's recent album.  That's right, I just called them FTP.  I was also the kind of guy to call Fine Young Cannibals FYC back in the day.  So, this is some snappy, poppy stuff, but it literally sounds like something my kids would make me listen to after 90 rounds of Kidz Bop, so I think I'm out.  Just so you can get a second example of the tunes, here is "Good Time People."

Will I Go See Him at the Fest?  Nah.

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