Thursday, July 20, 2017

Charlotte Cardin

One Liner: French and English indie pop
Wikipedia Genre: Pop, Electro, Jazz 
Spotify Says Similar To: La Bronze and Safia Nolin
Home: Montreal, Quebec

Poster Position: 21

Slot: ?

Thoughts: Her songs switch between English and French, as I guess you do when you are from Quebec and are caught between the two halves of that world.  No bio on Spotify and a limited one on Wikipedia, so I don't know much about her, but the music is kind of an electronic pop torch thing like some Amy Winehouse inflected Lana Del Rey.  Or something like that, I don't listen to enough of this type of music to notice nuances between this type of jazzy electro-pop singer music.

No true albums, just an EP (2016's Big Boy) and some singles, with one significantly more popular than the rest (3.6 million streams vs. the next highest at 1.6 million).  Here is "Like It Doesn't Hurt."
That rapper sounds like Mac Miller.  That video is stressful but pretty and interesting all at the same time.  I couldn't look away.  That being said, I'm not much for the songs themselves.  The French songs are kind of interesting despite the fact that I can't understand what is being said, but the second most listened to track is another English one, called "Big Boy."
Live version, but you get the idea.  Jazzy piano and singing, but then some clicks and clacks from a drum machine to make it kewl for the kidz.  These tunes are fine, her voice is pretty, but I wouldn't go out of my way to hear this stuff anymore.

Will I Go See Her in the Fall?  Probably not.

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