Friday, July 21, 2017


One Liner: Post-punk monotone mumbling from Montreal
Wikipedia Genre: Art punk, post-punk, indie rock, noise rock 
Spotify Says Similar To: Preoccupations and iceage
Home: Montreal, Quebec

Poster Position: 14

Slot: Saturday, ?

Thoughts:  Canadian dudes making that post-punk, DIY, kind of sleepy music that I've never really been able to get behind.  I just recently tried out Protomartyr for this blog, and had the same feeling - I want to like this because it kind of reminds me of some of the music I enjoyed in the mid-90's, but in the end I just can't get behind it.  These guys have two albums (2015's Sun Coming Down and 2014's More Than Any Other Day) that both meander along in this strummy, dischordant old R.E.M. (without Stipe)/Firehose (without the bass)/Talking Heads (without the funk) thing.  Most listened to is from the older album, a track called "Habit," with 922k streams.
After a bunch more listening, you know who else this reminds me of, who I've never been able to get on board with?  The Velvet Underground.  "Passionate Turn" from Sun Coming Down is the one that just clicked that comparison into my head for me.  The top track from that newer album is called "Beautiful Blue Sky," which has 526k streams.
Nope.  I can kind of get into the head bobbing of the tune for a bit, but I think these songs are just kind of boring?  They're pretty enough, but the monotone speaking over the top (and repetitive stuff) is just not doing anything for me at all.  Funny thing, I just let YouTube play for a while and it played another band called Preoccupations and I had no clue that the band had changed.

Recommend?  Nah.

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