Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Calder Allen

One Liner: Complete mystery

Wikipedia Genre: The sounds of silence
Home: I'm going to guess he's from Austin?

Poster Position: Late addition

Both Weekends.
Sunday at 1pm on the Tito's Stage

Thoughts: We've reached the part of the poster where the band doesn't even have Spotify.  Not a good sign.  There is something called Calder the Band, but that doesn't seem anything like Calder Allen.  On YouTube, a search for Calder Allen brings up a dude who looks like he might still be in high school.  His two uploaded videos are a Spanish project and a video about Slope and Direct Variation, that must have been for a math class that I long ago forgot about.  Calder caught a nice fish one time.  I tried "Calder Allen musician," and got this video of two children singing in a church?
Not bad!  But nothing else on YouTube appears to reflect the sounds that this artist plans to make for us at ACL.  The internet tells me only this: "Calder Allen, who comes from a talented family: he's the grandson of Terry & Jo Harvey Allen, son of Bale Creek Allen, and nephew of Bukka Allen."  Okey doke!  Seems like, if he were so damn talented, that he'd have his music available on the Internet for people to hear!

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