Monday, June 13, 2022

Goth Babe (2022)

One Liner: Indie DIY synth guy who looks like he should be modeling for Patagonia.

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but indie?  One website called it raw garage surf lo-fi?  So I guess that could be a thing?

Home:  L.A. (with prior stops in Memphis, Nashville, and New York)

Poster Position: 11
Weekend One Only.  Sunday.

Thoughts:  Interesting band name - I was hoping the name would be a little more literal.  Instead, its just some white dude with a moustache trying to be ironic or something and playing twee little indie pop songs with his synthesizers.  The guy behind it all is Griffin Washburn, who used to be in a band called the Lagoonas, and now claims that he records everything here in his truck/camper, making loops and whatnot with the Abelton software and then just bopping along with that.  He said he has 100 watts of solar power to his camper van and just makes everything with sun power.  Which is kind of cool.  If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm deeply jealous of this guy.  Read this little piece on him - he's just making music and living his best life.  Probably not a forever lifestyle, but sounds like a great way to engage with your 20's.

Also, I have some reticence about actually searching to read more about the guy because my work computer is going to flag a search for this band name.

He was scheduled to come to the Fest last year in 2021, but bailed because he broke his noggin.  For real, that is what reddit says, is that he suffered a traumatic brain injury in June.  Damn!

Top track with 34 million streams is "Weekend Friend," but watching this video makes me wonder more about what the live show is like.
The tune for sure sounds like something he made by himself in his camper, but when you watch the live footage of that show, it sure looks like a rock show that involves a guitar and real drums and whatnot.  So maybe the live show would be more fun than the "studio" version suggests.  His 2021 single is called "Canary Islands," and the video shows a new cool camper, I wonder if he upgraded.

Those people appear to be having a nice time, but they suck at high fives.  And the inside of that camper is way too small for all of them.

I can't decide whether I actually like the tune though.  His Patagonia model lifestyle is super appealing, but I can't quite figure out if his music bugs me or if I'm enjoying the vibe.  I think it's getting me on both ends.  But it might also be a fun show to see live?


He also has a new EP (of only 3 songs), but it pretty much sounds the same as last year's stuff.  I'm torn.  If it was just this same music, then I'd say no.  But from the look of the live show in that one video above, it might actually be fun.  I'll put this in the likely stack.

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