One Liner: Overly theatrical rock and weirdo stuff from Phoebe Bridgers' old band.
Wikipedia Genre: Punk rock, avant-punk, avant-rock, post-punk, chamber pop
Home: NYC
Poster Position: 20
Weekend Two Only. Saturday.
Home: NYC
Poster Position: 20
Weekend Two Only. Saturday.
Thoughts: Well, this is freaking weird. Makes me think of some of the deeply weird stuff that Nirvana or Primus might have done back in their heyday of weirdo alternative rock. The top song is just not a normal experience at all. I know that is the point, but remember how dumb the Marilyn Manson stuff started to seem when you really thought about it? That is sort of this. "They're Coming to Take Me Away--Ha Ha!" has 2.3 million streams.
Right? It's like some hidden song at the end of a Primus album. Although the video is kinda freaking me out, man. But here's the deal - this is her top song? Would anyone want to hear this played at a festival? At all? Nope. Now, some of her other songs are snappy and have some action to them, but that most popular track ain't it.In fun trivia news, Wikipedia says that Phoebe Bridgers used to be the bassist and backup vocals in the band. That's pretty sweet, but also a bummer, to lose someone that talented from the band! The front woman is named Haley Dahl, and she apparently does a little performance art with her performances that can include some birthday suit action. Maybe they signed up the old band as a mea culpa for cutting the mike on Bridgers last year when her set went over.
Like, "Where's My Wife" - which very much sounds like it could have been a Nirvana track from the Bleach days - is a pretty solid rocking tune. 142k streams.
Sloppy is right, but can't you just see/hear Kurt Cobain squealing those lines as the band broke all of their instruments? And then, her most recent single, from 2021, is an actual song. Like, normal chord structure and harmonic singing and stuff. "Party Anthem" has 338k streams.She still needs to do some weird overacting things in there - I get the idea that she did some theater in high school. "Jesus on Your Living Room Floor" is also a normal, quiet, dramatic tune.
The 2015 EP Sure-Tuff is the one with Bridgers on it, and also the Coming to Take Me Away song, it is super weird stuff. Definitely a bunch of slop, lots of vocal effects and muddy sounding music that's almost like if Hole did surf rock. Don't love it. "Scratch n' sniff" is probably the best, drops out a lot of the crappy vocal effects for a dark and groovy tune. The new disc from 2021, Madison, definitely has a more pleasing sound that doesn't sound like a goofy lark by a kid who just found a Fisher Price microphone that transmogriphied her voice. Although the opening "Overture" definitely reminds you that you are about to listen to something overly dramatic and weird. "Wonderama" goes back to that same well. Funny thing is, now that they reduced some of the freakiness of it, the music is just more boring. "Lullaby Formica" just sounds uninteresting, as an example. Also, "The Constable" is freaking 9:34 long. GTFOH with that.
Sorta interesting for bits, but overall I don't expect I'd go watch this one.
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