Monday, May 15, 2023


One Liner: Jazzy/torchy R&B singer gal with a difficult to google name

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but jazzy R&B
Home: London

Poster Position: Level 3 (15) 
Weekend Two Only.  


Thoughts:  I just finished reviewing Penny & Sparrow, and their top track is "Eloise."  Weird!

I am going to assume this is the lady on Spotify who says he name is Eloise and writes about her feelings.  Because Wikipedia presents me with the following: 
  • Eloise of Lord T & Eloise, a crunk rap group from Memphis, Tennessee
  • Eloise (album), a 1993 album by Arvingarna
  • "Eloise" (Arvingarna song), 1993
  • Eloise, an opera by Karl Jenkins
  • "Eloise" (Paul Ryan song), 1968, composed by Paul Ryan and sung by his twin brother Barry
  • "Eloise", a song by Kay Thompson in 1965
I was sort of hoping this would be half of a crunk rap group from Memphis instead.  Too bad.  or maybe not, I just tried their top track, and it is deeply terrible.  This Eloise is a slender white girl with two EPs and one album, all released since 2019.  It is a sorta light R&B poppy thing, with her voice almost sounding lounge singer-esque.  Like, she stepped on stage at the hotel lobby, had her computer start spitting out a beat, and then sang some jazzy torch songs over the top.

Googling for her is very difficult.  I get stuff like the film soundtracks for the Eloise movies, or that song by Paul Ryan, or "The Eloise Poop Song" which is available on Spotify.  A website called Ones to Watch told me a little about her - London-based, 23 years old, broke in to popular music with Billie Eilish covers on Instagram.

A few tunes from the second EP got big, with three of the four songs firing up over 20 million streams.  The top one is the opener, "You, Dear," with 25.2 millon streams.
Sure, that is nice.  If you are in to that sort of thing, her voice is good, the beat bops along, almost feels like a Winehouse b-side.  Not really my thing, the jazzy R&B deal, but so be it.  The top track from her full album is "Drunk on a Flight," which has sort of the same vibe, just a little more straight R&B.  3.3 million streams.
Again, nice voice, fine little simple beat.  Sounds like she could have made it in the bedroom.  I don't hate it, but definitely not the thing that I would use up my time for at the Festival.  if you like it, then I'm excited for you!

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