One Liner: Pop punk thrashings from an unsafe bike rider
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia - punk, pop punk
Home: Chicago
Poster Position: Level 4 (21)
Weekend Two Only.
Thoughts: Spotify is rude, in that after I had heard this band's entire catalog, it shifted me straight to a Beth's song, which got me excited that this band covered the Beths, which then turned in to disappointment. I love the Beths and don't understand why they aren't coming to ACL for me.
That is neither here nor there. This is a lady named Deanna Belos (with some collaborators fleshing out the band) from Chicago who blasts some intense pop punk. I dig the rhyming band name, even though it feels like the name for some twee indie thing and not a punk band. Instead, this feels like the epic sort of sneering lyrics that people would yell along to in a sweaty pit in a small club. According to one article, she got her start as a solo artist playing acoustic, and then some guys from other bands heard her and decided they needed to inject punk into her stuff with some full-band treatment.
She's got 2 albums - 2017's Rhombithian, 2021's Bless My Psyche - and a handful of singles (and repeats of the same songs, after spinning the whole catalog, it feels like I've heard some of these songs ten times). Her top song is from that new album, "Trust Me" with just over 2 million streams.
She looks like a child riding that bike! Good fun in the tune. If you are in to that sort of - wait, you're riding the bike with a pizza in your hands and no helmet! I'm calling your mother! - sorry, if you are in to that sort of screaming punk rock, then this will scratch your itch. My wife would hate it. I think it is fun.
Although I'd also say that if you just spin through the songs, she can be very tuneful; in her vocals - it is not always just her screaming. Sometimes she sings really nicely. Second most streamed is from the debut disc - "Overbite" - with 1.9 million streams.
Even if you don't dig the screaming, the tune is prime pogo-party stuff. "I still feel just about as dumb as I used to!" is a great yell-along line, as well. This stuff is a good time. Personally, feels like a band that would be more enjoyable in a small sweaty club than a dusty field, but if I happened to be there in the early day when they take the stage, I'd check it out.
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