Thursday, October 5, 2023

Brother Thunder

One Liner:  Rock and Soul in the neighborhood of Black Pumas

Wikipedia Genre:  No Wikipedia, rock, soul, blues
Home: Austin

Poster Position: Late addition!
Weekend One Only.

Thoughts:  This just recently popped up to take the spot previously held by Deyaz (which, good switch for us as this is significantly better music).  This is a group of dudes playing some bluesy rock with soulful angles.  Reminds me of Black Pumas with a raspier vocal.

Not much available on Spotify - a couple EPs and singles - but one song brings the funk and tops their playlist with 15k streams.  That is the last song of the three tunes in this video.

The first two songs are called "Hard Times" and "War."  I can't quickly find much written about these dudes, but it ain't bad music!

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