Monday, May 5, 2014

The Chain Gang of 1974

Brooding, dance-y electronic music.  Making me think of NIN and Passion Pit at the same time, but not nearly as good as classic NIN.  Why do people come up with these complicated band names?  Have all of the one word names already been used?  Anyway, this dude scored a spot on the new Grand Theft Auto game, and so one of his songs has a ton of listens/views, while the rest of his music is much less well-loved.

Which makes two music videos I have reviewed here created exclusively in the world of GTA5.  Which is really weird.  It also makes that game look hella cool even though I haven't played video games in a long time.

That video is highly freaky.  The singer guy is chasing people with scissors to cut hair out of their face so that they can become normal people.  My instinct was that this music was lame, but I'm starting to actually like it after about half an album.
After listening to two albums, I feel a little fatigue.  I think The Chain Gang is going for maximum bombast and beating you up with the beat on every song, so I started to lose the ability to contrast the different songs. I don't think I want to listen to it anymore.  Which means this was the perfect band to have in a commercial for a video game, but maybe not the perfect thing to jam for an hour at Zilker Park.

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