Thursday, May 1, 2014

Peter Distefano & Tor

Mr. Irrelevant.  This is literally the last guy on the lineup.  You would think that this space is reserved for the little kids who go to a rock camp and get to jam for their parents.  Nope, somehow, the guitarist for Porno for Pyros is chilling down here at the complete bottom of the list.  You know it is bad when the ACL website doesn't even list a single fact about the guy.  If you don't remember Porno for Pyros, then:

Now you probably do.  If not, then either you did not love Jane's Addiction like I did, you did not listen to alternative radio in 1994, or you are a child.  Those are the only three options.  But his solo music is actually not bad.  In the same vein as the PfP stuff, lots of riffage and kinda trippy alt rock stuff.

That being said, YouTube just provided me with evidence that homeboy is likely playing the Kiddie Limits stage.  And he plans to rock it's face off!

Suck it, kids!  You know how you have been listening to weirdos softly sing about the Wheels on the Bus?  Playtime is OVER!  Now it is time to melt faces!  Eat some red hot Led in your face!  Wow.

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