Saturday, May 4, 2019

King Princess

One Liner: Gritty pop music reminds me of cleaner Billie Eilish, dirtier Maggie Rogers.
Wikipedia Genre: Pop
Home: Brooklyn

Poster Position: 4

Day: ?
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: High position on the poster for something I've never heard of before, but that also shows you how well I travel in the circles of pop music.  Also surprising?  It's really good.  her name makes me think of Super Mario Brothers for some reason, despite there not being a character in that game named King Princess.

Weird factoid from her Wikipedia - her grandparents died in the sinking of the Titanic.  Real name is Mikaela Straus, and apparently she spent years with her dad in the studio, watching him work as a recording engineer.  Her initial single, "1950," is by far her most popular, due in part to Harry Styles tweeting a lyric from it.  233.5 million streams for that one.
Freaking beautiful song.  Although, I have to admit that the first few listens, I thought her cut off phrasing of "for you" in the chorus was a kiss off of "fuck you" instead.  Which big time changes the message of the song.  Not a kiss off at all, just a lovely love song.  Also, though the extended phrasing on "tell me why my guuyuuuuyuuuuuyyuuuu-ods look like you" was actually "guys look like you," which is also another message.

She has a cover of "Femme Fatale" among her nine songs available on Spotify, and while most will obviously identify that as the Velvet Underground, that song is still an R.E.M. song to me because of the cover I heard off of Chronic Town/Dead Letter Office long before I knew who Velvet Underground even was.  It's a nice cover here too.

She also has a song called "Pussy Is God," so there's that.

Her second most streamed is one called "Talia," released in 2018 after "1950."  Both of these also made it onto her one EP from 2018, called "Make My Bed."  "Talia" has 36.9 million streams.
She's super in love with that doll!  That song is OK - not nearly as good as the first one.  Also, kind of sad, with the need to drink enough to see her friend.  Can definitely see the crowd at ACL learning when to yell "BUT FOUR DRINKS I'M WASTED!"

The tunes kind of make me think of this current moment in pop, with stars like the 1975 and Maggie Rogers making this sort of rock-feeling pop that doesn't actually lean on guitars but has the heft of a rock style.  I'm shocked to like this one so much, but I actually do.  I might go try this one out.

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