One Liner: I'm mentally blocked from recalling their name, but kinda Spoon-ish indie rock.
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, Home: L.A.
Poster Position: 22
Weekend One Only.
Five guys from LA who formed the band in 2016. The band name apparently comes from the "facade of a cult church in LA," which is "derived from a Latin moniker that translates to 'may they overflow.'" I will beef with that name, because it is singularly unmemorable. I have typed it several times and read it a good 20 times by now, and yet just now I couldn't remember it again. One of my kids had a camp counselor named Soupiset a few years ago, and that is what I am going to call this band now.
No Wikipedia, and most of the descriptions/bios I can find on the band read like they were all prepared by the same PR guy. Their Spotify bio makes mention of Spoon, as though the lead singer was in that band, but Wikipedia would disagree. Ah, it is the keyboard player - he is also in Spoon as well as this band. They are a little similar, in that both are hooky pop rock bands, but don't think this is Spoon 2.0.
No real album yet, just a bunch of singles and a 2017 EP. Only one song cracks six figures on streams, so we'll go into that one first - "Loving the Animal" (that I mentioned above) has 173k streams.
The tunes, overall, are pretty solid. Most of them are entirely unheard of - two get five figures of streams, most can't even crack 5k. The current most popular is called "YDS2M," and has 38k streams.
The problem is that I'll never remember their name. And someone will be like - hey dude, you want to go see Sooootehprt or The Comet is Coming, and I'll be like I guess we can go see the freaky jazz freakouts, cause I have no recollection of what Suuuppuuuuupp is about. [shrugging emoji]
Although, just so you know, this one guy (a Senior Editor at something called It's All Dead) jizzes many loads when he even considers the existence of this band. So maybe their live shows are the finest thing that has ever happened in all of time. I dunno.
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