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One Liner: Possibly not the worst Kiddie Limits band, if you believe Joseph
Wikipedia Genre: None, bad kiddie raps Home: Chicago Poster Position: 28
Weekend One Only.
Thoughts: Every freaking year. Although, after having bagged on them year after year (examples in my prior reviewsof this dreck), my buddy Joseph went to see them with his twin boys last year and they really enjoyed it. Dammit. Because I love nothing more deeply than finding something horrible and then making sure that everyone agrees with my stance on that horrible thing. And so when Joseph sent me a video or audio file (something, I can't recall now) of his boys getting to help come up with topics that the Q Brothers then used to freestyle a rap on the spot, and I was impressed both with their rap ability and their improvisational skills, it crushed my black little heart into a sad place. So, all that to be said, know that I would not recommend going and listening to their music online, but I would probably say that their live show is worth doing with your kids. BLECHH, I need a drink!
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