Thursday, September 12, 2019

Imagination Movers

One Liner:  Kiddie music that used to have a popular Disney show
Wikipedia Genre:   Children's music, third-wave ska, rock
Home: New Orleans

Poster Position: 27

Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts: Wait!  Holy SHIT!  I have watched these dudes on a TV show for like, hours!  I'm going to force my kids to go watch this as payback for all the hours I spent suffering through this so that they would shut up and stop crying.  Their show was super cheesy (shocking, I know, that a show built for four year olds wouldn't hew to my sophisticated palate) but they are actually pretty solid on the musical front.
There was a time that this theme song was lodged into my psyche so deeply you would have needed fifteen years of therapy to dissolve it.  Rich seems like a nerd, but Scott is super annoying pretty much all the time, as I recall the show.  I always liked the one who was in Goonies and Lord of the Rings.

They have TEN ALBUMS, which is impressive.  Here is a video that will not only give you the flavor of their weird ass show, but will also allow you to see what they are like live.
OOOH!  Warehouse MOUSE!  I forgot about Warehouse Mouse!  Is that one of the Backstreet Boys in the baseball uniform?  Also, just because I happened to pause right at this moment, stop that video at 5:32 and see the kid who is like 14, who has been forced to come to this show, is wearing a glow stick, and happens to look directly into the camera right at that moment with a look like "please, God, strike me dead," then he kind of shakes his head and looks away.  Kid, I feel you.

I mean, they really are pretty enjoyable.  Kind of rock, kind of ska, kind of funk - totally silly and kid-friendly.  Probably one of the best things I've ever seen ACL get for the Festival (although I have to wonder if any child in 2019 will have any clue who they are?  I assume their TV show is off the air now?)

Treat your kids to a good time, you jerks!

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